White Noise
Jonathan Rivers' (Michael Keaton) second (mid-life crisis) wife, Anna, vanished into thin air. After weeks of searching, a man, Raymond, comes up to John and tells him that he's been receiving messages from Anna from the 'other side'. A little while later her body is discovered. The police think that she got out of her car, slipped and fell, banging her head and breaking her arms, before being pulled out into the river and drowning.
John finds Raymond and learns that he got Anna's messages via EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomenon. For anyone who doesn't understand that it means over radio and TV waves. Obsessed now, John records tape after tape of static, desperate to hear his wife. Even after Raymond dies mysteriously, John continues picking up where Ray left off. He is convinced that Anna is trying to tell him something.
As he continues, ignoring his job and his child, he realizes that he's seeing things that haven't happened yet. He claims that Anna is trying to get him to help these people. Doing what he's told, he goes in blindly, heedless of the spirits (or as I call them TV gremlins) that only cause pain.
I must admit that this movie actually scared me. I don't usually get frightened by horror movies; I find most of them cheesy and tacky, but this one was scary. It might have something to do with my best friend's younger sister screaming at the scary parts, but I don't think so.
Ghost stories are always the ones that terrify me the most. A lot of people are scared of ghosts. I think is has something to with that fact that you can stake a vampire, shoot a werewolf, behead a zombie but you can't fight a ghost (not counting the Ghostbusters).
I can't find much to yell about in this movie. The acting was good (come on it was Batman!), even if the character was a little on the dumb side. The plot was creepy and mostly understandable. I'm not entirely sure if it's believable and I'm a little confused about the ending. And they never did explain what the three shadows were.
If that's all I have to complain about, then it was a pretty good horror movie as horror movies go.
Grade: 6/10