

Four friends in the central park zoo suddenly find themselves shipped to another zoo after one of their posse make a bid for freedom. Shipwrecked after penguins hijack the ship to get to Antarctica, the four friends have to survive in the wilds of Madagascar. Now Alex the lion suddenly finds himself with urges that he never knew existed when he's deprived of food.

Now the reviews on this film have been hit and miss, but I loved this movie. I know it wasn't as good as Shrek or Finding Nemo, but it was still entertaining.

I mean it had devious penguins, robot dancing lemurs, weird hyena-like-things, poo flinging monkeys, laughs, adventures, a dancing lion, and a neurotic giraffe. What more can you ask for? Come on what could possibly be better than evil, militaristic penguins tacking over a boat to get home to Antarctica only to realize that it's all snow? 

Okay so there wasn't much of a story line and some of the jokes were a little stale (like that water spitting thing), but you get what you paid for: a good time. I think it would've done much better if it had come out before other better animation movies, such as Monsters Inc. and so on. 

Grade: 7/10