Jurassic Park


John Hammond (Richard Attenborough), with his endless supply of money decides it would be fun to recreate dinosaurs using sophisticated genetics and good old fashion cloning. He creates a theme park/ zoo on an island off the cost of Costa Rica. However one of the workers is badly injured when transporting one of the dinosaurs and now the investors are concerned over the safety of the park, as all good investors should be. They send a lawyer (Martin Ferrero) to talk to Hammond, who isn't there. The investors want two experts to sing off on the park before opening it. The have recruited Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), but he's too... what's the right word...insane. So they get Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and his partner/ paleobotanist Elli Sattler (Laura Dern) comes along also.

Once they reach the park and see what Hammond has created, all three are opposed to it. It's madness they say! Well they decided to go on a tour of the park with Hammonds grandkids; Lex (Ariana Richards) and Tim (Joseph Mazzello). Unfortunately one of Hammond's computer people Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) has been bribed by the competition to steel embryos from Hammond. Nedry has shut down the security systems and that equals to the tour stopping right by the T-Rex cage, with no power to the electrified fence. So the Rex gets out and attacks the cars.

For the rest of the movie they are on the run from dinosaurs while trying to get the power and the phones back on line so that they can call the mainland for a helicopter.

There's only one thing I didn't like about this movie and that would be the entire plot. It makes no sense. I'm not saying that I don't think there's a way that rich people and scientists can clone dinosaurs, it's just that I don't think they've explained it properly. And there and things in the movie that happened that I don't get why or how they happened.

Okay the movie starts off with the workmen getting mauled by a dinosaur. Has anyone ever heard of tranquilizers? I know that they probably wouldn't want to shove a drugged up Raptor with other Raptors but when she's starts chomping on the  worker I thought they would've knocked her unconscious instead of zapping her. I mean I thought they would want to have saved him, they could've always made a new Raptor, they made like 8 others.

And after watching a goofy lawyer falling over himself we come to a dig sight in Montana and what I think is the worst scene in the entire movie. Not only is Elli incredibly annoying even though she only has like 4 lines, but they expect me to believe that they have found a complete skeleton of a dinosaur all nice and all the bones in their right places? I don't think so. That is the main problem with paleontology and anthropology. It is very rare to find a full skeleton. Sometimes they find just one or two bones that they don't even know what they belong to. And skulls are impossible to find. Then Grant is all high and mighty spewing out things that are completely hypothetical but he sticks to them like they were proven a hundreds times over. Then there's that lovely machine that can tell the difference between bones and rock...um right. Bones are rock! Its a processes called fossilization, or more specifically petrifaction; which the process where organic matter is changed into stone after the living tissue decays and the remainder soak up moisture. After the water evaporates small deposited are left and they keep the shape of the bone intact. Sometimes DNA is left, but that is only in colder climates like in Alaska.

Besides if they could find bones in the ground, I think it would be used first for crimes solving, not for finding dinosaurs.

When we reach the island there's an annoying DNA strand yammering on about genetics that are way over my head, even though they explain it for children. What I don't get is why did they use amphibian DNA? Why not a birds or reptiles? You know something that slightly resembles a dinosaur?

When the dinosaurs finally break out the movie gets good, but there are just so many things that make you go 'what?'. Like how convenient was it that the cars ended up right beside the T-Rex cage? How stupid was the girl for turning on a flash light when there's a man eating dinosaur three feet away? What did the dinosaurs being sick have to do with anything? How were they able to reproduce an extinct plant? How stupid were the people for putting not only poisonous plants on the island but also in the building? You don't think that kids are going to be running every which way shoving things in their mouth, including the deadly plants? Why was there a boat? Why was everyone going on the boat? Why weren't Hammond and the others on the boat? Why were the chairs on the 'ride' so difficult that it took Grant, Sattler and Malcolm to push the bar up, and then Hammond could do it with just one hand?  Why did Nedry had to drive through the park? Shouldn't there've been a faster way to get to the boat that didn't involve driving through the entire park? Why did they think that they would actually see anything on the tour? Dinosaurs don't live by schedules. Why did the Dilophosaurus have frills? I though it was just the males that had the crests. Why did they look so small? If  they were 20 feet long, then why did they look smaller then the Raptor who are only like 9 feet long? What did the dinosaurs breeding in the wild had to do with anything?

You know I think I could go on for another page or so, but I'm going to stop. If you ignore the plot, and the things that don't lead to anywhere but they were in the movie because they were in the book, then it's a fun movie.

Grade: 6.5/10