


Little Red Riding Hood a.k.a. Red (Anne Hathaway) is bringing some baked goods to her Granny (Glenn Close), only when she gets there she finds the Wolf (Patrick Warburton) there instead. After some almost fighting, Granny herself pops out of the closet, all tied up and a wild screaming lumberjack (Jim Belushi) bursts through the window. Confused?  Just imaging the cops that have to sort through this mess. Well, guess what? You don't have to imagine! That what's happens.

Enter Detective Nicky Flippers (David Ogden Stiers). He goes through the stories one by one to discover the truth behind the fable.

We start with Red's. She is a delivery girl for the Goodie company, run by Granny, who dreams of a better life outside the forest.  . She is very worried because all the recipes from all other snack companies have been stolen recently and she thinks their recipes are next. So she decides to bring them up to Granny.  She runs across Boingo (Andy Dick) the rabbit, he gives her a lift up the cable car to Granny's place. Only she falls out and meets up with the Wolf, who chases her for the recipes.  She gets away and meets up with a goat (Benji Gaither) who can only sing. Immediately I want him to die. He brings her into the old tunnels where they almost get killed by an avalanche. Finally she makes it up to Granny's place and where we started the film.

Next we get the Wolf's story. He isn't evil. He is an undercover journalist, along with his partner Twitchy (Cory Edwards) trying to ascertain the identity of the recipe thief. He becomes suspicious of Red and goes after her. When he loses her in the forest, a helpful rabbit gives him directions and makes it to Granny's right before Red. He has just enough time to throw Twitchy in the closet where, as it turns out Granny is already tied up in, before Red comes in. And we are back at the beginning once again. 

Then we talk to the Woodsmen, who knows the least about anything. He is an actor. He was up for a role in a commercial about  Paul Bunyan cream. He did really badly and went back to his day job of driving the Schnitzel Truck or something. Anyway as he's singing and dancing, his truck is robbed. Boingo is there to comfort him. The he gets a call from the director of the commercial. They've decided to go with him, but tells him to learn to be a lumberjack. So he goes out into the woods and stars chopping down trees. He cuts down a big tree that nearly crushed him and he is thrown through a window into the living room where Red, the Wolf and Granny are jumping about.

Next the police talk to Granny, who is in reality Triple G, the daredevil, X-treme sports grandmother. The day Red was coming up to her place she was at a competition where she was almost killed by four European goons, after giving her autograph  to, you guessed it Boingo. Do we all see the connection yet? The goons are working for 'someone' who wants her out of the way.  She makes it back to her place, after winning the competition and starting the avalanche, but gets her parachute (just go with it) caught in the fan and gets it tied all around her and ends up in the closet.

Red is all pissed that Granny kept the secret from her and runs off to discover what the rest of us figured out half an hour ago. The Bandit is Boingo. The police finally figure it out and race to the bottom of the mountain, to try and head him off. Only in reality he is heading up, so Granny, Wolf and the woodsman/actor, race up the mountain. They fight off the goons and save the day. Yay. Then they all get recruited by Flippers to work for him as undercover cops or MI-5 or something. Except for the woodsmen who went into a singing career.  Whatever. The end.

This movie borders the line between funny and stupid for most of it, but by the end it ends up on the stupid side. It's all comes out very unbelievable and fake. Even thought the plot was original, everything was done in a very clichéd way that makes it feel old and tired and done so many times before. Almost every scene was taken from another movie and were done worse.

There were funny parts in the movie, but nothing that stands out that makes it an extraordinary film. It was just like every other cookie cutter animated movie.


Grade: 4.5/10