Desperate Souls
Do you know what was wrong with this movie? Everything!
The plot was just so stupid that it's funny. But not that funny. It just made no sense. Not as if there was no plot, that's the sad part, there was a plot, it just sucked. Five orphans wanted revenge on their bloodline so they escaped from the orphanage with the help of some guy, (Nick), and commit ritual suicide so they can inhabit the bodies of other people to get revenge on their parents. Nick, after his part was done, studied the book he read from and discovered what he did, now he's made it his life's work to guard the circle the suicides were done in, to make sure no one can enter and get possessed. Five minutes later four teenagers stumble in and get possessed. Nick manages to stop the last one, by kidnapping him. Then they go to a friend's (Lex) house, to get the book. Because the demons want the book because with it they will become unstoppable. Lex discovered a way to bind the demons but they need an item from the teens who were taken over. So the four of them, Nick, Lex, the fifth teenager and Lex's girlfriend find the items and bind the demons one by one, bringing them back to the circle, so they can be sucked back to Hell.
The only problem is that when the circle was opened some creature came through, a balancer of sorts. Once they get all four demons back into the circle, the last teenager realizes that there were supposed to be five and he jumps in to get possessed and then the balancer shows up. For some reason, Lex and Nick and the girl jump into the circle to fight the demons and Lex and the girl get killed as the creature is bringing the demons back to Hell, one at a time. Then it come for Nick, but he's out of the circle.
That's the story. Stupid no? Considering they could've just broken out of orphanage and killed their bloodline instead of killing themselves so that they can come back with superhuman powers. Besides, they didn't even know if it would actually work. Did they research? Did they beta test? No. They just read from a Druidic book (um... I don't think they had writting) and preformed the ritual. But the really stupid thing was Nick. He didn't even know what he was reading. I think if something requires human sacrifice you should understand everything about it. Then he says that he will forever guard the circle so no one can get possessed and he just lets people wander right on in.
There was nothing redeemable about this movie. The acting was terrible, the script was awful, the directing was atrocious, the costumes were disgusting, I mean what was up with that ratty fur jacket that Nick insisted on wearing? It made him look like an out of work pimp. And why did the demons stop everything to change into Goth clothing? Since when is it a requirement for demons to wear black?
Grade: 1/10