X-Men: The Last Stand


In the third, and hopefully last installment of the bastardization of the X-Men, the lines are drawn and the battle is about to commence.

We first are shown Jean Grey in the past, with Xavier (Patrick Stewart) and Eric aka Magneto (Ian McKellen) trying to convince her to let them help her with her super powerful mutant powers. Then we fast forwards ten years and visit with a boy (Warren Worthington III) who is trying to file wings off his back because he doesn't want his father to know he's a mutant. But his dad does find out and there starts Warren Worthington II's (Michael Murphy) quest to find away to reverse mutations.

Fast forwards another ten years to a battle where Storm (Halle Berry) and Wolverine (Huge Jackman) are trying to teach four students about defense. Well, Storm in trying to teach them, Wolverine is just filling in for Cyclops (James Marsden), and doing a crappy job at it. Cyclops is still grieving over Jean Gray's (Famke Janssen) death. Wolverine tries to talk some sense in him, which involves a lot of grunting, because he was in love with her too. Cyclops brushes him off and then starts hearing her voice calling him.

In the political world, Mystique (Rebecca Romijn), the right hand of Magneto is captured by the American government and they are trying to get information out of her about the whereabouts of Magneto.  Apparently she stole information about a secret  study involving a mutant called Leech (Cameron Bright). The president gives the file to Beast (Kelsey Grammer), who brings it to the attention of Xavier. This boy has the ability to suppress the mutant powers in other mutants and Worthington has found a way to mass produce it to form a 'cure' for all mutant. There is an immediate division between the mutant population, those who want to fit in and be normal, and those who are outraged at the idea that they need to be cured. Magneto is among the second group and forms an army of other like minded mutants to stop the cure.

Cyclops, has gone off to where Jean had been killed at the end of the last movie and has found her again. Only it isn't her. It is Phoenix, a second personality that was formed when Xavier buried half her powers in Jean's mind. Now they have emerged and Jean is gone. She kills both Cyclops and the professor then joins Magneto.

The government has turned the cure into a weapon against the mutants, which makes even more mutants angry and Magneto rallies the Brotherhood and storm the laboratory to destroy the cure and Leech. The X-men rush to stop him and there is a huge battle where the X-Men are victorious.

Surprisingly, I sort of enjoyed this movie, considering I hated the first two. It wasn't that great though, there were just too many plots going on at once and none of them were completed. I left the theatre not feeling like it ended. There were so many characters and not enough time to develop them all, and the ones that were developed weren't done all that well. But the main problem I had with the movie was the ending. They have in their possession a mutant that nullifies the powers of other mutants and they don't use him against Phoenix? That would've so been Plan A, and if that failed then Wolverine would've been thrown at her. Other than that it was alright. A little tacky in places, but whatever.

I will forever hate what was done to the history of the characters of the comics. It's like they took the characters they liked one or two plot points and chucked the rest. And where is Gambit? He is only the greatest of all mutants and he is nowhere to be found. That sucks!  

Grade: 6.5/10