WALL-E (Ben Burtt) is a waste collecting unit. He, along with his bug friend, are the sole intelligent life on planet Earth. He has spent the last 700 years cleaning up after human kind, and it hasn't being going so well. All the other robots have malfunctioned and died and now WALL-E is all by himself with only an old film for company (and a bug). As you can see he is very lonely.  So it is no wonder when EVE (Elissa Knight) shows up he is immediately smitten.   Unfortunately she isn't there for him, she is there to see if Earth can sustain life. It can because WALL-E found a plant hidden away and as soon as he shows it to her, she shuts down awaiting pick up.

The ship arrives and WALL-E jumps aboard with EVE and they are brought to a luxury cruise ship where the last of the human race are living. Apparently the word had become too dirty and filled with trash and the humans had left leaving WALL-E's there to clean up. It was only supposed to be a five years cruise, but Earth had become so polluted that it could no longer sustain life, so they have been living on the ship for 700 years. During that time the humans have been fully dependant on robots and have been spending all their time on moving chairs in a consumer's paradise. There are all fat and don't ever leave their chairs for anything. When EVE shows up with the plant to show that Earth is now livable AUTO - the robot in charge of the ship when the Captain (Jeff Garlin) isn't... so AUTO is in control of the ship most of the time - is not happy. It is under orders not to let the Humans return to Earth because it is so polluted and if that plant is introduced into the ship's mainframe it will return automatically.

This leads to a battle of sorts between EVE and WALL-E, along with a bunch of other malfunctioning robots and the captain against AUTO and all the robots it controls. WALL-E and co. come out victorious eventually when the captain actually learns to stand on his own two feet (literally as well as figuratively), and they all go back to Earth to clean up and rebuilt.

This movie was very cute. I don' think it was up to Pixar standards, though. Their earlier movies were better, but this one was worth seeing. It had many good elements; excellent animation, great story and writing and even a moral and a happy ending after a bit of a tear jerker. Well, great writing where there was talking. The robots don't say much, so for the first 45 minutes or so there's no dialogue what so ever.

The only problem I had with this movie was that the character of WALL-E was really pathetic. That's not to say he was a terrible character, he just spent the entire movie looking like a sad lonely puppy that you couldn't help fall in love with.  I know we were supposed to fell empathy for him, but did they have to make it that obvious.

That's it. That's my only complaint. The rest of the movie was excellent, as long as you don't mind no talking for the first bit. Personally I hardly noticed.

Grade: 8/10