Shaun of the Dead



Shaun (Simon Pegg) and his girlfriend, Liz (Kate Ashfield) are having a little tiff.  She is sick of doing the same things over and over again, and always having to deal with his friend Ed (Nick Frost), who is lazy and dirty. They make plans for the next night, only he forgets and she breaks up with him. He tries to make up with her, by bringing her flowers that were meant for his mom, and she kicks him out.

While all this is happening the people around them are turning into zombies and Shaun and Ed are completely clueless about it. When they finally realize that there are zombies, they jump into action...sort of. They grab a car, drive over to Shaun's mom's house, because her second husband was bitten by a zombie and is slowly turning into one. Then they drive over to Liz's and get her and her two roommates, David (Dylan Moran) and Dianne (Lucy Davis) and head over to the bar, because.... I'm not sure.  It's secure and familiar I think. Only to get there they have to walk across a road full of zombies and they do this by acting like zombies. Which is hilarious.

The bar is not as secure as they thought it was and only Liz and Shaun make it out. They are just about to fight their way free, when they are rescued by the army. YAY!

Six months later, the world has adapted to having zombies by giving them menial jobs like the shopping cart collectors at grocery stores and whatnot. They even have game shows about them  and really disturbing talk shows. Liz and Shaun are back together and seem happy, and Shaun even has zombie Ed, in the shed to play video games with. Awww how disgustingly cute.

This movie was hilarious.  I didn't stop laughing at all during this movie...well when Shaun's mom died, yeah, but whatever. The movie was great. There are some parts that are a bit dumb, but those are few are far between.

Grade: 8.5/10