Resident Evil: Apocalypse



This is the second movie that follows the video games of killer zombies where a chick named Alice must save the day.

I enjoyed the first Resident Evil movie when I watched it a few years ago. I thought that this movie followed the feel of the first one up to a point.  Right up until the Nemesis creature showed up. I have no problem with evil corporations creating bio-weapons (in movies) or injecting them into people to test them (also in movies), but having them fight it out to find out which one is superior in the middle of a zombie infested city, when a nuclear weapon is on the way; now that's just stupid. I know the mad scientists has to test his experiments but that's a little overboard, don't you think? What was the point of attacking S.T.A.R.S. and other police/military in Raccoon city?

I don't mind evil scientists being evil for the sake of being evil, but there should be a point to their madness. Was there a point of creating that Nemesis thing? I mean, it's not as if it can go on covert stealth operation. Was there a point to this movie? It started off with recaps of the last movie and then they re-opened the Hive, woke up Alice for no reason, dead people started popping up everywhere.-  By the way, who's bright idea was it to walk through a cemetery while there's a virus reanimating dead people and you have no ammo? Not playing with a full deck are we?- The evil corporation abandoned hundreds of people, leaving them to become more zombies, woke up Nemesis to fight Alice, threw in something about a girl, then, this is where I'm confused, take a helicopter into the infected city where there are hundreds of zombies and people they've left to die. Why? It's not like anyone in the city is going to invite you over for tea. Oh wait it was so Alice and Nemesis could fight right? But they were both being held at the same facility weren't they? They could've done the little experiment at anytime they wanted, but they had to wait until zombies started killing people. If they wanted to wake Alice and Nemesis up to fight the zombie, that I understand, but they didn't. They wanted them to fight each other and then ordered Alice to be executed after she won. AND after all that, Alice was brought back into another hospital to be altered, again, like at the beginning of the movie. I don't get it.

I have nothing against the blood and the violence, but at least have a sensible plot that goes along with it, and that was something this movie lacked. 

Grade: 4/10