

Young Nick (Colin Ford) and his father (Joel Gretsch) are on the run. Making a last stand at a motel, Nick's dad tells him to run and to not make any decisions that the watchers can see. He also informs Nick that in the future a girl will give him a flower and he must do what she says.  Then Henry Carver (Djimon Hounsou) shows up and Nick's dad dies, but not before taking some agents out with him.

We are then subjected to the stasis (universe) of the movie as told by Cassie Holmes (Dakota Fanning).  There are people among us with powers: watchers who can see the future (but the future keeps changing); pushers who can put thoughts into your head; movers that have telekinesis; bleeders that send out sonic waves that can kill you and so one. The Division is an organization that has been trying to experiment on the people with powers. They have developed a drug that heightens their powers, there's only one slight draw back, it kills 100% of the people it's tested on. That is until Kira Hudson (Camilla Belle). She is the only one who survives, but she escapes the facility that they were holding her in.

Next we are back with Nick who has grown up into Chris Evans. He obviously hasn't been practicing his moving abilities because he can't even use them to cheat at dice.  He is visited by two Division agents: Holden (Scott Michael Campbell) and Mack (Corey Stoll). They are sniffers (they sense where a person is just by smelling an object they've owned) and they think that he knows where their escaped patient is. He doesn't and they leave but then Cassie pops in and she tells him about a case that has a ton of money in it and she needs his help to get it. Before she can convince him to help her they are attacked by China's crime family. The dad (Hal Yamanouchi) and his two sons (Kwan Fung Chi and Jacky Heung) are bleeders while his daughter (Lu Lu) is a watcher. They are about to kill Nick but the girl has a vision that if they do they won't find the girl (who they want because Division wants her).

Nick is just about dead anyway, but Teresa Stowe (Maggie Siff) a stitch, who can heal people, comes to the rescue, sort of. Cassie's mom saved her life once and she told Teresa to help Nick, but she's not happy about it. Once Nick wakes up Cassie gives him a flower he knows he has to help her.  She tells him that there is no money only a girl with a case that has a formula that the Division want, so they need to get it.

There's a lot of running around for the next little while, but with the help of his old friend Hook Waters (Cliff Curtis) a shifter (someone who can turn something into something else for a short amount of time and as long as they are the same size i.e. an ace of spaces into an ace of hearts) who sends him to Emily Hu (Ming-Na) a sniffer and together they find Kira and as it turns out Kira and Nick used to have a thing. Apparently he thought she left him and she thought he abandoned her after she got caught by Division, blah, blah, blah. Anyway with the help of Pinky (Nate Mooney), a shadow (someone who can shroud someone or something from siffers and, for a short time, watchers), they keep Kira hidden. Together they outwit the Division and the crime family who, let's be honest, aren't really that smart or organized so it wasn't that big of an accomplishment, and save Kira and get the formula. Or at least I assume they did; the end didn't make a whole lot of sense.

First of all the I was surprised how good the acting was considering the genre of movie, usually the secondary characters are awful, but not in this case. I even have to give credit to Fanning, no matter how much I don't like her, she is a very talented actress. I just wish they had given her a longer skirt, or pants or something; nothing is less appealing to me than staring are her stick thin gangly legs. And speaking about wardrobe, what was up with Kira's suit at the end of the movie? Could it be any more sparkly?

The special effects were good, but they kind of had to be, they was they only thing holding the movie together by the end of it. There was great build up for this movie but, as I said, the ending fell flat and didn't produce. It all started to go wrong when they 'outsmarted' the crime boss' daughter by erasing Nick's memory. That makes absolutely no sense what so ever to me. The intentions to stop the Division and get the case are still there regardless if he has his memory or not. The decisions are still going to be made, so she should still be able to see them. She doesn't read the present, she reads the future so she should still know what the hell is going on. Also the crime family was pretty stupid. They go to get he case and fight the Division with only three bleeders? Is there no one else in all of China with powers? Is there no one else in the gang with powers? I thought they controlled China's organized crime? They can get twenty guys with guns, but not a single mover or pusher? That's pretty pathetic and it made the whole fight scene between the two stupid. But not as stupid as the crime boss' death scene. That was just go completely idiotic.

There are a bunch of other stupid things that just don't make any sense to me and take away the enjoyability of this film. There is Stowe, the stitch. I don't get why she wants Nick dead. She saves his life only to want him to have a slow and painful death afterwards. I don't understand.  If you want him dead just don't save his life in the first place.

Next how can shadow know they have any powers? Every other ability has some sort of physical manifestation so they can tell they can do something, but shadows don't. I don't get how they know they are 'special'. Are they like: 'hey look that guy can't see me' or something?

Also how can Kira be this really powerful pusher and still be controlled by Carver? If she is so strong that she can survive the injection how can she not push Carver's thoughts out of her head. And that's another thing if she is the only one that has survived the injection how do they know she needs a secondary drug to keep her alive? No one else has lived through the formula how the hell would Carver know that her blood is turning black, or even that she would get sick. I just...It just...There is no word that I can think of that describes how little sense that makes.

I'm sure there are more things that don't make any sense but I probably could be here for awhile. So I will just end by saying that I'm disappointed with the movie. There were solid bones to work with and I feel that they just rushed through the end of the plot to get the film in theatres. I bet if they had taken some more time they could have worked out the giant plot holes and made a decent movie instead of this...thing, which had it pluses but not that many.


Grade: 5/10