Palmer's Bones/Bone Daddy
A retired forensic pathologist (Palmer) has written a book about the one case he couldn't solve. The killer, called "Bone Daddy" would send the cops bones of his victims, one at a time, without killing his victim first. Now "Bone Daddy" has started up again, attaching pages of Palmer's book to the bones. Palmer and Detective Sharon Hewitt must go back through the old case and, using the new evidence, try to determine who the killer is before he strikes again. But when the investigation leads to Palmer's own son, things get a whole lot worse.
First of all, ew! I like to think I can handle a lot of blood and gore in movies, but cutting bones from a conscious victim and then playing with the poor guy's boneless leg, that's just sick. But it does answer a question I never had until watching this movie: can we live without our bones? Yes, but you won't be happy.
Secondly, Sharon is the dumbest cop ever! Well, next to the random nameless cops in movies, but she was pretty damn close. She spends most of the movie absolutely sure that the killer Palmer named in his book is the real killer so that when it turns out not to be him she automatically assumes copycat. She also (pre-movie) stayed out in the field when she was pregnant, which I'm pretty sure there's a rule against, plus there's something called 'maternity leave'! What was she thinking? So while she was pregnant she followed some perp without back-up and then gets kicked in the stomach and proceeds to lose the baby. What did she think would happen? No wonder her husband left her. Then she's all bitchy about how she's learnt her lesson, so many years later, but apparently she hasn't because she walks into a situation again, without back-up, and gets stabbed. She's so dumb she entered the boathouse of a suspect without checking to see if it was safe to enter and then stares at Palmer when he shouts, "Look out!" She does nothing! Wait, that's not true. When he says, "Behind you," I think she blinked. The sad thing is, if she hadn't been so stupid she would've been a cool character.
Now for the main character, Palmer. How stupid and heartless do you have to be to go up to a young man who had to quit med school, because there was no money after you fired his dad, and have an affair with his mom, see the dad had Alzheimer's and was confined to a chair counting his fingers, and ask how his mom was doing? What!? What was the point of that? It was so out of character. I mean, he was trying to patch things up with his son, after neglecting him for 30 years, I thought the character was growing, but I guess not.
And then he goes on this rant about making money off the book and wanting to pull it from the shelves, which he can't. I'm sorry, isn't the point of writing a book to have people read it and buy it so you can make money? And he doesn't like how it's making money off of people's pain. Dude, it happens all the time; you're making money off my pain right now.
Grade: 6/10