Magma: Volcanic Disaster


This is going to be quick.

There's a team of volcanologists in Iceland and they die as the volcano erupts with no warning into a fiery lake of really bad CGI lava  (really really bad). A second team goes to another volcano in Iceland and that one erupts also, but since they are the main stars of the movie, the won't die. Peter (Xander Berkerely) is a geologist (I think) and he and his students Brianna (Amy Jo Johnson), Kia (Vlado Mihailov), C.J. (David O'Donnell) and a forth one whose name I can't find right now, discover that this is the beginning of a disaster. A terrible disaster! A volcanic disaster!

Anyway; the theory is that there so much toxic crap in the earth that it's causing the core to burn extremely hot, causing volcanoes that were once dormant to wake up with crappy CGI lava spewing out of them. They convince the president that the only way to get them to return to normal is to release the pressure by blowing large holes in the ocean floor.

Question? Since when does the president of the United States have the authority to say; "Why of course you can blow holes in the ocean" ? Shouldn't there have been like a emergency meeting in the UN or something?

They succeed: the end. 

Okay, this movie was crap. The acting was crap, the plot was crap, the CGI was crap, the dialogue was crap, even the moments that were supposed to be tense and all filled with tension failed to deliver.

I have nothing else to say. It was just that bad and not even in a fun cheesy way. Bad in a bad way.

Grade: 1/10