King Arthur

Sarmatian Cataphract/Cavalry


Historical Setting: 452 CE and 467 CE

Important Note: Much like Troy, this won't be about dissecting the finer points of the legend of Arthur, or debating whether or not he existed. I've seen enough documentaries to believe there existed a man who filled the void left in Britain after the Romans abandoned it, on whom the legend could have been based. This is about looking at what the movie presented to us as history and whether it was true or not.

Second Note: For the first time ever, I have an actual compliment for a movie. Despite the many, many problems I have with this movie, I will say that they deserve full credit for actually setting the movie in the right damn time period. No more of this suits-of-armor Middle Ages crap. The legendary Arthur filled the leader void left in Britain after the Romans pulled out their armies, trying to keep the Romano-Celtic people free from the Saxons. So hey, one plus to them. Now for the fun part: everything else that was just so wrong with the movie.


Encyclopedia Britannica.

   Macropaedia. Volume 3, pg 197.

   Micropaedia. Volume VIII, pg 904.

Burke, John. Roman England. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.

Cunliffe, Barry. The Celtic World. London: Lanchesters, 1990.

Graham, Frank. Hadrian's Wall in the Days of the Romans. Newcastle: Howe Brothers, 1984.

Goldsworth, Adrian. Roman Warfare. London: Cassel & Co, 2000.  pg 51, 197.

Salway, Peter. The Oxford Illustrated History of Roman Britain. Oxford: Oxford University, 1993.


