

Possibly the scariest movie I have ever come across. Well for me and for other like me who have sat huddled in a corner rocking back and forth saying: "Can't sleep; clown will eat me" over and over again.

So we start off in the town of Derry, Maine where a little girl has just been killed and the local librarian, Mike Hanlon (Tim Reid) smells something fishy. Especially when he comes across a picture of a boy killed in 1960 at the crime scene. So he runs home and calls up Buffy the Vampire Slayer...I mean his old buddies. They all lived in Derry thirty years ago when a bunch of kids had gone missing or had been killed too. As each one are called we find out little flashes of their history together. Arrg! I hate flashbacks. Well, they're not so bad here.

During these flashback we see that during the 60's the town of Derry was terrorized by a giant evil clown, called Pennywise (Tim Curry) that eats children. Or at least feeds off their fear, because It enjoys frightening them, along with the rest of us, throughout the movie. No one seemed to be in any hurry to explain these killings and disappearance. The ones who stumble across the evilness of the town are seven 12-year-olds.  Mike Hanlon (Marlon Tayler) being one of them. He found the history of the town and discovered that every 30 years there is a great disaster or something that claims many lives. There is also  Bill Denbrough, the stutterer (Jonathan Brandis),  Eddie Kasprack (Adam Faraizl) , the hypochondriac,  Ben Hanscom (Brandon Crane), the fat kid, Richie Tozier (Seth Green), the joker, Stan Uris (Ben Heller) the Jewish boy scout and Bev Marsh (Emily Perkins) the janitor's daughter.

Together the self proclaimed 'Loser's Club', not only have to fight off boredom and the town bullies but a giant evil clown that  the grown ups can't see. Using silver they go down into the sewers and fight the creature. They think they have killed it, but they didn't, It only goes back into hibernation for another 30 years. After the first fight they made an agreement that they would come back and fight It if It wasn't dead. So that's what they do.

Three decades later they are all very successful, except Mike.  Bill (Richard Tomas) has become a horror writer, Ben (John Ritter) is an architect. Eddie (Denis Christopher) runs a chauffer company. Richie (Harry Anderson) is a stand up comedian or a comedic actor. Bev (Annette O'Toole) is a fashion designer and Stan (Richard Masur) well... I don't really know what he does, because he kills himself instead of going back to Derry and facing the clown.

Anyway after many debates and endless reminiscing, they finally go back into the sewers to fight the creature and kill it once and for all.   

Whew, glad that's over. This movie freaks me out. I hate clowns, so I had to watch it a few times.  It's always less scary the second time around, or in this case the fifth.  As I watched it that last time, I realized how bad it was. That doesn't make it any less scary though. It's just really cheesy and those are sometimes the best movies.

The acting in below par (another thing I hate Annette O'Toole in) and there are scenes that are just rambling and don't fit in the horror movie I find. And will someone please explain to me who decided there should be a mini door with sculls and candles all around it leading to it's lair. It should've just put a giant neon arrow pointing directly at the cave. Or maybe balloons, that would've made more sense, since the clown  seems to have a fetish with balloons and floating things.

I'm not really a fan of Stephen King. I don't really like his books or the movies based off of them. But I actually was scared during this one. The scary parts outweighed the boring cheesy bits. 

Grade: 7/10