Batman Begins
Now, I'm a big fan of Batman. I loved the first Batman movie; was completely outraged by that Batman and Robin crap; I used to watch the cartoons, and even the cheesy 60s series with Adam West. So you can imagine my disbelief when I saw in the previews for Batman Begins that they were lacking a supervillian. How can there be a Batman without a Joker or a Catwoman?
I went to see it, regardless, and was starting to regret it after the first 45 minutes or so. I have this thing about flashbacks in movies: I don't find they work very well (that could explain my aversion to watching Memento). That, and the League of Shadow People bothered me. As the training seemed endless, while not-so brief flashes of Bruce's painful youth continued, I sighed: not another movie not living up to its hype. And then something unexpected happened: Bruce refused to be an executioner and he kicked the crap out the Shadow losers. Suddenly it was an awesome movie.
Bruce had his purpose! To wear black leather, drive a black tank and to beat up the wrong-doers of the corrupted cesspit which is Gotham, and look completely sexy while doing doing it. I found myself not missing the things I thought I would miss. I loved the fact there was no supervillian running around in a stupid costume spouting taglines. Dr. Crane (a.k.a. Scarecrow) was present, yes, but he was technically only a henchman. I loved the gritty realness of Gotham more than the comic bookness of Batman Forever. I loved this movie.
Great writing, great acting (minus Katie Holmes), great action. What more can you ask for? Okay, there were a few drawbacks: the first hour, Katie Holmes - but she wasn't in the movie much (bonus!). I didn't think anyone could replace Michael Gough's Alfred, but Michael Caine did an excellent job. I still miss the Batmobile. Although the Tumbler was really, really cool - now I want one - it's not the Batmobile.
The movie was a tad predictable, but it's Batman Begins, everyone knows how Batman begins. I have to say if Liam Neeson's Ducard hadn't come back it would have made the whole League of Shadow thing not only boring but pointless as well. Besides, he's Qui-Gon Jinn! I know a lot of people were unhappy at the lack of him coming back from the dead during Star Wars, so he came back from the nearly dead here. It all works out in the end.
And Ducard was a cool bad guy, unlike Falcone, who broke one of Peter's Evil Overlord Rules! Rule #47: If I learn that a callow youth has begun a quest to destroy me, I will slay him while he is still a callow youth instead of waiting for him to mature. He had the opportunity: he had a gun pointed at Bruce's head and did nothing. Idiot!
Oh well, it was still a great movie.
Grade: 8.5/10