Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children



Set two years after the end of the fantastic video game, the world is still in ruins. There is a disease that is running rampant called Geostigma. It seems that it is mostly children that are infected. Also there are three new enemies have appeared. Kadja, Yazoo and Loz are on the hunt for Mother, which the rest of us know as Jenova. The Turks had gone to get something in the mountains but were attacked and it seems that Elena and Tseng were killed. Reno, has called Cloud to help them, but before he can reach them he is attacked by two of the three brothers in the first of many spectacular battles in this movie. 

Upon arriving at a large estate, Cloud is immediately attacked by Reno, who is then locked outside. He's just as cool as I remember him from the game. Rude comes in followed by Rufus in a wheelchair and covered from head to toe in a blanket. The last time we saw him was in a giant explosion, which apparently he survived. He has a job for Cloud. He wants Cloud to fight the three brothers. Cloud isn't interested and he leaves. 

We return to the city of Midgar, which is in ruins. Tifa and Marlene are attacked by Loz in the second cool fight scene. Tifa is hurt and Marlene is kidnapped as are all the children who are infected with the stigma, including Denzel, a boy Tifa and Cloud took in. We see Kadaj talking to Rufus, while Reno and Rude are rolling around on the floor in pain. We find out that they are looking for Jenova to have the Reunion, same as what Sephiroth wanted in the game. They want to destroy the planet, but have to get Jenova's DNA to re-power up... or something.

Anyway Cloud goes to get the children back, but they've been brainwashed and he can only get Marlene back. He is badly outmatched until Vincent shows up and rescues him. Yay Vincent! Cloud, we find out is also infected by the stigma, and he travels back to Midgar to find that everybody is fighting creatures brought to life by one of the brothers. By everybody I mean of course the characters from the game. Yay Cid! Yay Red XIII! Boo Cait Sith!

Cloud joins the fight and they kick ass. Unfortunately Rufus has a piece of Jenova which the brothers manage to get their hands on.  Elena and Tseng are there too...aren't they dead? I thought they were dead.  Cloud races after the brothers and there is a big fight, aka the final battle, between Cloud and Kadaj. This is where we find out that Kadaj is really only an avatar of Sephiroth and when Jenova's cells are introduced into him he becomes Sephiroth. Yeah, I don't get it either, but the fight scene is really cool.  Apparently Sephiroth not only wants to destroy the planet, he wants everybody infected with the stigma to enter the life stream of the planet and erode it so he can become like Jenova, who floated around in space bringing corruption wherever she landed.

I loved this movie. The only problem was that the plot made very little sense and it was exactly the same as the game. Sephiroth wants the bring about the Reunion to destroy the planet. It's been done. We already stopped him. It took us 120 hours to do, but we did! But were did the brothers come from? Were they other Soldiers? Why are there avatars of Sephiroth? What they hell is an avatar? How will the stigma destroy the life stream of the planet? But other than that the movie was great.

The one bad thing is that if you haven't played the game this movie will make no sense to you. Well, even less sense.  You won't know what a Reunion is or who is Jenova, or anything. So everybody just has to play the game.

Grade: 7.5/10