28 Weeks Later


Picking  up around the end of the first movie, we watch as some survivors from the Rage Virus are hiding in a cottage. It doesn't last long as they are found and attacked by the Infected. We see Don (Robert Carlyle) ditch everyone including his wife, Alice (Catherine McCormack), to save his own skin. I don't think it was his intention to be a coward, but if a dude that just woke up from a coma can be a hero, you could have been one too Don. Or at least made an effort before running. He jumps on a boat and escapes and I can't help thinking why hasn't anyone sailed over to Ireland or France. If people can swim the channel then you could have made it in a stupid fishing boat.

Anyway, 28 weeks later, (I think they mean 28 weeks after the outbreak) all the Infected have died of starvation and the American army has stepped in (that's never a good thing) to help re-populate England. They create a containment area on the Isle of Mann and bring in all the refugees from around the world that have been living in camps to join the hundred or so survivors they found hanging around England. Turns out Don made it and two of the refugees returning are his son and daughter. Andy and Tammy (Mackintosh Muggleton and Imogen Poots). Andy has two different coloured eyes, just like his mother.  Major Scarlet (Rose Byrne) notices his eyes. I only mention it because it does turn out to be important later on.

Now comes the freakiest part of the movie in my opinion. There are snipers all around the area and they can actually watch the refugees in their apartment thought their scope on the guns. Doesn't that freak anyone else out? They can shoot you whenever they feel like it. Anyway one of the snipers is Sergeant Doyle (Jeremy Renner). Through his scope he spots Andy and Tammy making a break for it out of the quarantine area. Apparently they want a photo of their mom and decided it's worth their lives. Doyle radios Flynn (Harold Perrineau -who is an awesome actor by the way) and he finds them. But surprise, surprise Alice is still alive and not Infected.

They bring them all back into the headquarters where Scarlet tests Alice and discovers that she does carry the virus only she is immune to it. Before she can do further tests Don goes to see Alice and she infects him and then Don kills her and goes on a killing rampage. He gets into where all the refugees are and everything goes to Hell really quickly as the military realizes that they've lost control of the situation and just start shooting everyone. I have to say that I don't think they ever had control of the situation. They had no containment plan if an infected ever should get into the area. Oh wait, they they had a plan; sticking all the refugees in a unsecured room in the hopes that the Infected doesn't make his way there. Great  idea there guys. They don't even train the refugees in any sort of manner, or give them any sort of instructions. I'm not asking for any sort of basic training or anything just: "in case of emergency proceed to your designated security zone" or something. That way the army guys have small groups to look after and you can evacuate them in groups and not have them running madly through the streets like they did in the movie, only to be shot down by the snipers because they can't tell the difference between a scared person and a crazy infected person. Idiots. All of them.

Anyway, Scarlet and Doyle grab Andy and Tammy and try to get them off the island. They realize that one or possibly both of them could be uninfected by the Rage Virus like their mother and the only hope for a cure is to keep them alive. Flynn agrees to meet them at Wembly Stadium but they have to hurry because the military are going to fire bomb the entire area. When has that every worked?

Long story short Doyle and Scarlet die, Tammy and Andy are just about at the stadium when Don shows up and bites Andy. Tammy shoots Don and everyone realizes that Andy is immune just like his mother was. They get to Flynn and he flies them out; I'm guessing to France, because 28 weeks later there are infected running around Paris. I guess Tammy forgot to tell Flynn that her brother was a carrier. Oops.

This movie had the same feel as the first movie, even though they were written and directed by different people. The problem I had with this movie is that all the characters were incredibly stupid. Tammy and Andy were stupid for leaving the containment area. Don was stupid for going to see his wife when he knew she had been bitten. The military were stupid for... well for everything else that happened in this movie.  They gave Don a pass that allowed him to go see wife when he could only talk to his children through a glass window; they didn't have a back up plan; killed people indiscriminately even though they were clearly not infected, well I can go on. The ending was stupid because Tammy and Andy didn't tell anyone he was a carrier and infected. Everything about this movie was just poorly thought out, plot wise.

Other than that I have no problems with the movie. The acting was great, it flowed nicely, the score was fantastic all the gore and action was awesome. If only all the characters hadn't been so dumb It would have been a lot better.


Grade: 7/10